Dec 27, 2013

Word-cloud of 2014 security predictions

A year ago I wrote a mother of all security predictions. I created word-clouds from 2013 security predictions of 10 different companies and also a separate word-cloud from combined texts of all them. Creating the word-clouds was more fun than actually reading the predictions:-)

Now, just after Christmas, I'm feeling even lazier and decided to create only one world-cloud from the combined predictions of following companies: FortinetInformation Security Forum, Kaspersky, Microsoft, Sophos, Symantec, WatchGuard, Websense, Trend Micro and FireEye. My intention was to use same companies as last year, but couldn't easily find anything from Stonesoft (McAfee) and F-Secure. Got Trend Micro and FireEye instead.

Here's the word-cloud made with Wordle.

2014 security predictions

For the comparison, here's the last year's word-cloud.
2013 security predictions

What can we see from these? Mobile doesn't seem to be on predictions focus so much as last year and data has more visibility. Malware attacks seems to be on everyone's map, targets being devices in general, not just mobile devices. Since everyone mentions data a lot, it could mean that attackers are predicted to be after valuable data more than trying to just blackmail or create havoc.

So, number 1 security prediction for 2014 is: Expect data-stealing malware attacks against all devices.

No surprise there. What actually surprised me was that word cyber didn't dominate the cloud. I take that as a positive sign.