May 23, 2021

Predicting cybersecurity events in Finland

(Photo by Dollar Gill on Unsplash)

During March-April 2021 I've been speaking/chairing at a few cybersecurity events and courses. Since it's been all remote because of the pandemic, I've spiced up the events by online surveys. One survey was about predicting likelihood of certain cybersecurity events happening in Finland. It was interesting to see and discuss the results.

I asked participants to estimate the likelihood of the following events happening before the end of 2022.
  1. Finland enforces legislation to require ISO 27001 certifications from the largest essential service providers
  2. Cyber security accountability / leadership will be centralized in Finnish government (e.g. Cyber Ministry)
  3. Finland will be among the top three countries in the Estonian national cyber security index (2020: #1 Greece, #2 Czech, #3 Estonia - #8 Finland)
  4. A Finnish cyber security company (Revenue >10M€) will be acquired by a foreign company.
  5. A major cloud provider will have an interruption of service lasting 8 or more hours impacting many Finnish organization
  6. A Finnish company (other than Vastaamo) with over 100 employees will go out of business due to a cyber-attack
  7. Cyber-attack causes physical damage which leads to death(s)
  8. A Finnish company gets over 1 million EUR GDPR sanction
All 86 participants were experienced security and/or cybersecurity professionals and answers were given anonymously. 

Cybersecurity predictions results

Finnish cyber security company acquired (4), major cloud service interruption (5) and cyber-attack forcing a company out of business (6) were predicted to be most probable. All three events average likelihood were between 60-70%. The least probable event was a cyber-attack causing deathly physical damage. Average and medium results didn't have big difference.

Interestingly almost all events got estimates from 0% to 100%. Only exceptions were Estonian national cyber security index result (3) which top estimate was 90% likelihood and cyber-attack forcing a company out of business (6) which lowest estimate was 10% likelihood. In short, security and cybersecurity estimates were all over the scale. Standard deviation was large - between 25 and 30. 

This was not intended to be any serious study, but a fun survey of how Finnish security and cybersecurity professionals see the probability of some events in almost two years timeframe. 

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