Dec 16, 2012

Mother of all 2013 security predictions

As usual, lot's of security predictions for the next year are coming out as this year is coming to its end. While I still stand behind my own (everlasting) predictions I made 2010, I thought it would be fun to check what's out there for 2013.

Since reading through all different predictions could be somewhat mind-numbing, I decided to put a bunch of security predictions together and created a word-cloud with Wordle to see what sticks out.

So, I combined ten security predictions for 2013 from Fortinet, F-Secure, Information Security Forum, Kaspersky, Microsoft, Sophos, Stonesoft, Symantec, Watchguard and Websense. Some vendors like to repeat their own name within predictions and I removed those self-promoting sentences to clean up the result a bit.

Here's the word-cloud of combined security predictions.

Based on that it seems that we need to prepare ourselves to malware attacks on mobile devices.

In case you are interested, below you find word-clouds of individual predictions. Click the picture to get a larger version.


Information Security Forum


